Задание от гостя:

Размещено 15.11.2015 13:39:25

1. This computer belongs to me. It's ______. 2. Is this umbrella ______, Helen?- yes,it's ______ umbrella. 3. Excuse me. Is this my file or _______?-

it's______. 4 You check my test and I'll check _______. 5. The cat washed itself with ______ paws.6. She is a cousin of _________ . Our mothers are sisters. 7. He is a friend of ____________, Peter, isn’t he? 8. He asked ____________ a difficult question. I couldn’t answer____________ .9. She invited us to ____________ party.____________ thanked ____________ . 10. They called ____________ yesterday. He called ____________ back at once. 11. The teacher told Boris that the best paper was __________ . 12. You scratch __________ back, and I’ll scratch__________ . 13. Helen is clever. That bright idea was __________ . 14. This coffee is very good. I like __________smell. 15. They showed __________ credit cards, but we couldn’t find.
1.4 Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений.

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