Задание от гостя:

Размещено 24.05.2015 06:13:33

I. Поставьте глаголы в отрицательную форму.
1. Mr Black meets customers in the office.
2. Our secretary learns English.
3. We often go to London on business.
4. Nancy is a manager in GML.
5. Mr Brown has got a house in Paris.
6. My children drink tea with milk every day.
7. Our engineers have talks with partners every week.
8. We stay in the office till 6.
9. Your managers are in Moscow now.
10. The boy has lessons in the morning.
II. Используйте правильную форму глагола to be :
1. We … reading the offer from GML.
2. … he having talks with his partners?
3. Nancy … speaking to the manager.
4. They … having talks with their partners.
5. … you having an English lesson now?
6. He … reading an offer from GML.
7. … you having talks with your partners?
8. I … speaking to the manager.
9. We … reading the contract.
10. They … having an English lesson now.

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