Задание от гостя:

Размещено 19.06.2017 12:53:06

6 . Present Continuous или Present Simple ? Используйте am/is/are/do/does/doesn’t/don’t
1 “ Would you like a cup of coffee ?” “ No, thank you , I … like coffee.” 2. Have you got an umbrella with you ? It … raining . 3. “ What … he do?” “ He’s a coach . “4 . “… you speak English? “ “ A little .” 5. “ Have a cigarette.” “ Thank you . I… smoke.” 6. He lost because he … train very often. 7 . He … train under a coach. 8. “ Can I speak to Ann?” “ Sorry , she … taking a bath at the moment . “ 9. He … like tomatoes . 10 . “ Where is Jack ? “ “ In the garage . He … repairing the car.”

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