Задание от гостя:

Размещено 13.01.2017 06:52:18

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый «s», отличается от
1) six 2) miss 3) bus 4) house 5) seem 6) busy
2. Выберитеправильныйвспомогательныйглагол:
1) They . . . come to see us next week. a) shall b) will
2) . . . I help you? a) shall b) will
3) It . . . rain in a moment. a) shall b) will
4) There . . . be foreign guests at the party. a) shall b) will
3. Выберитеправильнуюформуглагола:
1) They . . . their parents every weekend. a) visit b) visits c) shall visit
2) We . . . them next weekend. a) visited b) visit c) shall visit d) had to visit
4. Завершитеразделительныйвопрос, выбравправильныйвариант:
1) I shall get up very early tomorrow, . . . ? a) shall I b) shan’t I c) can’t I d)
don’t I
2) He will have to take his examination in autumn, . . . ? a) will he b) won’t he
c) doesn’t he d) hasn’t he
5. Укажитеправильныевариантыпереводa английскихпричастий:
1) Reading a) читающий b) прочитанный c) читая d) читаемый
2) Described a) описывающий b) описанный c) описывая d) описываемый
6. Выберитеправильнуюформуглагола«tobe»:
1) I . . . writing a letter. a) is b) am c) are
2) You are watching TV, . . . n’t you? a) is b) am c) are
3) Who . . . reading the newspaper? a) is b) am c) are
7. Укажитеправильнуюформуглагола:1) Every evening at 9 o’clock he . . . his dog for a walk. a) is taking b) takes c)
will take
2) What . . . she doing now? a)is b) does c)has
3) Look out of the window. It . . . hard. a) rains b) is raining c) will rain
8. Выберитеправильнуюформуглагола« tobe»:
1) My car . . . at the entrance. a) was b) were
2) We . . . watching TV at that time yesterday. a) was b) were c) will be
9. Укажитеправильнуюформуглагола:
1) The sun . . . in the East. a) will rise b) rises c) is rising b) was rising
2) When he came, they . . . dinner. a) will have b) have c) were having d) are
3) You . . . this test now. a) will write b) write c) were writing d) are writing
10. Выберитеправильныйпредлог:
1) I was looking . . . the gloves everywhere but couldn’t find them. а) out b) at c)
for b) after
2) You must put . . . your coat, it’s cold outside. a) out b) at c) on d) off

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