Задание от гостя:

Размещено 10.12.2016 16:42:10

Помогите пожалуйста, глаголы в скобках правильно поставить в Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1 When we _______________ (arrive) at the café, Ben _______________ (wait) for us outside.
2 It _______________ (rain) when we _______________ (go) out.
3 While we _______________ (drive) home, we _______________ (see) an accident.
4 We _______________ (chat) about the party when Jenny _______________ (come) in.
5 It _______________ (snow) when the kids _______________ (go) out.
6 While I _______________ (walk) home, I _______________ (see) Bill at the bus stop.
I 1_______________ (swim) in the 800-metre race, and I was in first place. Lots of people 2_______________ (watch) the race and they 3_______________ (shout) my name: ‘Carl! Carl!’ Suddenly, I 4_______________ (realise) they 5_______________ (say) something different.
He 1_______________ (compete) in the surfing tournament and he was in first place. Lots of people 2_______________ (watch) the tournament and they 3_______________ (shout) his name: ‘Carl! Carl!’ Suddenly, he 4_______________ (realise) they 5_______________ (say) something different.

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