Задание от гостя:

Размещено 28.09.2016 09:39:01

1. Study your active vocabulary:
research (n) исследование
involve (v) вовлекать, включать в себя; вызывать (последствия)
market (n) рынок
engage (v) привлекать (внимание); занимать (время);
to be engaged in заниматься чем-л.
promote (v) содействовать, поощрять, поддерживать,
promotion (n) содействие, поощрение, стимулирование,
regulate (v) контролировать; регулировать
regulation (n) правило, предписание, инструкция, регулирование
requirement (n) требование
entry formalities формальности при въезде в страну, нормы и правила
въезда в страну
discourage (v) отговаривать, отсоветовать; расхолаживать
encourage (v) поощрять, поддерживать; стимулировать
restrict (v) ограничивать
fee (n) вступительный (членский) взнос; гонорар,
вознаграждение; плата за обучение
maintain (v) поддерживать; сохранять; содержать (в исправности, в
expenditure (n) трата, расход; потребление
impact (n) влияние, воздействие
undertake (v) предпринимать; брать на себя обязательства
benefit (n) польза, выгода, преимущество
attempt (v) пробовать, пытаться
to be in favour of быть за ...; стоять за что-либо; быть сторонником чего-
government (n) правительство
relax (v) ослаблять, смягчать, делать менее строгим
day-to-day повседневный
county (n) графство (англ.), округ (америк.)
development развитие; сооружение
red tape бюрократические процедуры
2. Write 10 sentences with the new words.
3. Match these words with the definitions below in the written form:
Research, analysis, visa, infrastructure, social tourism, a license, government,
1. a document giving permission to carry on a particular kind of activity;
2. the facilities such as airports, roads, water, sewers, electricity, and so on that are
necessary before development of an area can take place;
3. a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or
4. collecting data – units of information – that can be put into statistical form;
5. recreational travel that is paid for wholly or in part by a government, a trade
union or a similar organization;
6. interpreting trends or deriving other meaning from the statistical figures;
7. the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state;
8. is a travel document that gives permission for a foreigner to enter, or in some
cases to leave, another country, it is usually stamped in a traveler’s passport;
4. Combine the words with the help of preposition of and translate them in the
written form:
1. the role a) regulation
2. the policy b) licensing
3. different components c) percentage
4. the kind d) research
5. the length e) government
6. various kinds f) trip
7. the purpose g) their country
8. another kind h) time
9. percentage i) the infrastructure
10. improvement j) the tourist industry
5. Translate these words into Russian in the written form:
There are no visa requirements; discourage tourism; catering services;
entrance requirements; the research and analysis that result in statistics; tourist
expenditures; to find out; to determine the social impact; promoting a flow of
tourism; relax some regulations; an indirect investment; the environmental impact;
financial arrangements.
6. Read the text and be ready to fulfill the tasks after it:
The roles of government are very important for tourism. They set the policy
of their country towards tourism. To regulate the different components of the
tourist industry is one of their tasks.
Travel is made easier when there are no visa requirements and when the entry
formalities are simple. Visa is a travel document that gives permission for a
foreigner to enter, or in some cases to leave another country. It is important for
tourist promotion to relax the kind of regulation that is usually called “red tape”.
National policy can also discourage tourism. Any country cannot provide
accommodations and catering services or is able to restrict the length of time a
traveler can stay in that country. To restrict entry some countries have set visa and
entrance requirements.
Governments are also involved in day-to-day regulation of tourism including
various kinds of licensing.
A license to be taken is a document giving permission to carry on a particular
kind of activity after paying a fee.
Governments perform the research and analysis that result in statistics on the
tourist industry. Research generally means collecting data that can be put into
statistical form and the analysis means interpreting trends from the statistical
figures. Research involves travel statistics, tourist expenditures, the purpose of the
trip or the tourist’s reactions to his holiday. Deeper research makes it possible to
find out why tourists visited a particular resort and what their reactions were. The
main aim of another kind of research is to determine the social impact of tourism
on an area. It is necessary for governments to be engaged in promoting a flow of
tourism. In many countries, tourism is so important that its interests are represented
at the ministerial level of government. To promote tourism counties or regions try
to relax some regulations. The location and density of new developments to be
regulated affects spreading the economic benefits more widely.
Where government investment in tourism is not direct, there must be an
indirect investment in the form of building or improving the infrastructure. The
infrastructure consists of those things that are necessary before development can
take place – roads, electricity, telephone service, airports, and water supply. The
facilities to be based on the infrastructure are often called the superstructure.
Before a government undertakes tourist development, it usually attempts to
determine the market potential – the number or percentage of travelers it can hope
to attract. This is followed by studies of the social impact and very often of the
environmental impact.
The research is followed by the actual planning and development that include
improvement of the infrastructure, financial arrangements, and construction of the
superstructure. The tendency at the present time is in favor of careful research and
planning instead of unrestricted growth and expansion.
7. Answer the following questions in the written form:
1. Why are the roles of government important for tourism?
2. In what ways can travel be made easier?
3. How can national policy discourage tourism?
4. What is a license?
5. What does research in tourism mean?
6. What does research involve?
7. What does the analysis of tourism mean?
8. What is the purpose of deeper research?
9. What is another kind of research aimed at?
10. How can tourism be promoted?
11. What does the infrastructure consist of?
12. What is the superstructure?
13. What is the market potential?
14. What is the tendency in tourist development at the present time?
8. Write down if the sentences are true or false; if necessary correct them:
1. Government pays no attention to the problems of tourist business.
2. Travel is made easier when there are no visa requirements.
3. Visa is a document that is given together with a new passport.
4. All the countries can provide accommodations and catering services.
5. To restrict entry some countries have set visa and entrance requirements.
6. Government does not give the permission for various kinds of licensing.
7. All the laws are very serious that why to promote tourism counties or regions do
nothing to relax some regulations.
8. In some countries government investment in tourism is not direct.
9. Government tries to invest tourism in the form of building or improving the
10. Market potential has no importance for tourism business.
9. Look through the text once more and choose the best alternative to complete
each sentence below in the written form:
1. One of the tasks of a government is … .
a) to regulate the different components of the tourist industry;
b) to control the development of the tourist industry;
c) to support the tourist industry.
2. Travel is made easier when … .
a) the weather in the country is good;
b) there is an invitation from the relatives or friends;
c) there are no visa requirements.
3. Visa is a travel document that … .
a) is very easy to get in the native country;
b) gives permission for a foreigner to enter in the country;
c) is necessary to have in the passport.
4. “Red tape” is the kind of regulation that … .
a) makes difficult sometimes to get visa;
b) exists in all the countries;
c) is the main law to get visa.
5. For tourists any country cannot … .
a) pay for their visa;
b) organize a lot of expensive excursions;
c) provide accommodations and catering services.
6. Various kinds of licensing are … .
a) very difficult to get in the foreign country;
b) in the competence of government;
c) very important for our country.
7. A license to be taken is a document giving permission … .
a) to live in the country for a long time after paying a fee;
b) to get a new flat and a new passport in the foreign country;
c) to carry on a particular kind of activity after paying a fee.
8. … that result in statistics on the tourist industry.
a) Scientific investigations are done regularly;
b) Governments perform the research and analysis;
c) Government organize scientific groups for investigation.
9. Research generally means … into statistical form.
a) collecting data that can be put;
b) asking different tourists that can be introduced;
c) scientific methods that can be put.
10. Deeper research makes it possible to find out … and what their reactions
a) the opinion of tourists of the country;
b) the behavior of tourists of different nationality;
c) why tourists visited a particular resort.
11. It is necessary for governments … .
a) to be engaged in promoting a flow of tourism;
b) to know everything about the tourists’ impressions;
c) to know all the information about the work of tourists’ firms.
12. … its interests are represented at the ministerial level of government.
a) In poor countries tourism is not developed that’s why;
b) In some countries tourism is in poor condition that’s why;
c) In many countries, tourism is so important that
13. Sometimes government tries to invest in the tourism … .
a) asking foreign investors to help in this business;
b) in the form of building or improving the infrastructure;
c) in the form of improving living conditions of population.
10. Write down your opinion about the necessity of doing research and analyses
in the tourist industry

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